Intimacy, as we all know, is multifaceted and confusing. Depending on our tendencies towards love and relationships, we could be eager to start new love, to jump into the unknown, or we could be shy, demure, with a cidel around our hearts. One's intimacy could be childish, playful, full of mischief and new wonders. It could be sensual, soft, delicate, like a fly fluttering quietly to a spider's web. It could be brash and wily, overt and obtuse, just shamelessly on display and easy to perceive. Regardless of what your attachment or intimacy looks like, we all have our own expressions of it.
Through the course of our many relationships, from casual high school hookups, college experiments, or mature adult relationships, we change a lot as people. Our relationships to relationships even change. But you know one thing that stays constant? The complexity of the human heart and soul. Psychologists and the like try rapaciously to pin down a subset, a nomenclature, a rationality to our actions and feelings, yet in vain. So give this classical art list a shot while reminiscing past or current loves.
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