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Woman Glamping Alone in Nicaragua Wakes Up At 3 AM to a Stray Dog Sleeping In the Bed with Her, Forms a Pawdorable Friendship


Traveling alone is an exciting and life-changing experience. You learn new things about yourself and you usually end up making more friends with the locals, thus better immersing yourself into the culture. Sure, it can be scary being in a new place alone, especially as a woman, but you do your best and stay as safe as you can. For instance, you might book a glamping site instead of going off into the woods on your own. That is what travel blogger @harriet_coombs did while she solo traveled through South America. 

She made her way to Nicaragua when she booked a nice glamping site run by a hostel. She was staying alone in a beautiful yurt and excited to explore her new terrain. One night, at 3 AM she woke up to a fright, something was rustling in her tent. As a woman alone in unknown territory, she probably had at least a second of full-on terror until she realized what it was. A sweet stray dog had wandered his way not only into her yurt but also onto her cot and was getting comfy snuggling up next to her. When she realized it was a friendly pup, she felt much better and in fact, loved it! 


“I didn't have the heart to tell him to go,” she writes on one of her videos. She befriended the pooch and they cuddled up all night together. Then the next day he was still there in the morning. The dog was extremely sweet and she did not mind at all to have a canine buddy. She went about her day and when she returned he was gone. She was just a tad sad, but thus is life as a solo traveler, but luckily later that night her doggo friend returned!

The video goes viral of the friendly dog befriending the solo traveler and the friendship blossoming on TikTok is one of the most wholesome stories you can currently find on the web. However, she found out later that the dog was a hostel dog and is carried for by the caretakers of the property. So, to the heartbreak of her viewers, the dog stayed behind while she carried on with her travels around South America. But don't fret, the dog is happy and well cared for in his little glamping home. He's probably sneaking his way into some other solo traveler's tent to cuddle up right now. 

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