As much as we all love the weekend and eagerly await its arrival all week long, we can arrive at it with little motivation or energy to actually take advantage of it. After all we put in long and arduous hours all week long, how can we be expected to keep up that energy into the weekend. And as such the only solution available to us is to recharge our batteries, to be able to enjoy our limited free time. And we have made a battery charging collection of random and racy raccoon memes for your weekend motivator.
From the raccoon who understands that thinking too much is rather counterproductive, to the pawdorable raccoon who needs to clean his room before he can get wild this weekend, to the roided raccoon putting in the hours at the gym, to the raccoon who is woefully tired from living through major historical events. These active raccoons are your ticket to picking up your motivation to do stuff this weekend.
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A prime example of the fact that conspiracy theories can and should have some positivity about them. It is time to fill the world, and your mind, with some much-needed hope and wholesomeness. Life is hard enough as it is without adding more pressure to it with convoluted and callous conspiracies.
A story of choices is what we have before us here. There is a choice to act out in a way that might serve to satisfy temporarily. And then there is the choice to indulge in something that you will pay for later but will be very much worth the cost. We will leave it up to you to decide which is which.
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