Top 25+ Unpopular Opinions of the Week

  • 1
    Posted by u/ASICCC 12 days ago More kids need to be expelled / flunked There seems to be 0 discipline from schools for legitimately dangerous students. Students who get into fights often or assault teachers at any point have no place in the general population of students trying to actually learn. Back in the day, the school would inform the parents and the parents would handle it knowing if they didn't their child would get expelled and that would be a pain to deal with on top of the embarrassme
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    no consequences for the parent. You can provide all the resources and support you want but by the time a child has hit 16-17 years old they need to be able to be a civilized person and not an animal or phone zombie in the classroom. "No child left behind" should also apply to the children who show up on time and ready to learn everyday but have to deal with teacher shortages and general educational decline while the school system tries to accommodate these students who have no desire to learn or
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    In addition to this, students should be allowed to flunk out of school. These days it's almost impossible not wind up with a high school diploma. Graduation should be an accomplishment, not a expectation. It should represent 4 years of hard work and learning, not simply showing up most days. By dumbing down the curriculums and extending endless grace periods and make ups to students who sit on tik tok all day and never do their home work, you help no one.
  • 4
    Posted by u/HibiTak 6 days ago People are becoming less forgiving, and that's a bad thing People are too eager to put the label "toxic" in whoever wronged them, kick them out of their life and call it a day. People are too quick to join the hate train in social media without even trying to get the full picture of the situation most of the time. Yes, most of this issues are related to the internet, but they are permeating real life more and more everyday because of how influential social media is
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  • 5
    Posted by u/invictus2695 12 days ago Being quite at work and not mingling with co-workers should be considered as okay I can understand some role such as sales and customer facing jobs require more expressive and extroverted people. But for other roles such as research, backend teams which require more technical skills should have a balance of personality of traits.
  • 6
    Posted by u/twtvAnteos1 11 days ago You're shooting yourself in the foot by looking for "the spark" on a first date Dating is complicated, we all know this. During dates, some people look for a 'spark', expecting everything to automatically 'click' and expecting yourself to 'fall in love' with that person on the first date. Dating and relationships aren't my area at all, but I suspect one of the main reasons is romance movies, idealizing a first date/first few dates to go absolutely perfect, and
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    Posted by u/fudgebudgeonarug 7 days ago Too many people in the service industry complain when they are asked to do their job For context I waited tables for two years in my early 20s. I am getting more and more tiktoks and seeing other complaints across social media along the lines of "things that make your server hate you" and most of the things I see are just basic requests from the customer. Just because they didn't order the simplest thing and all want to just split the bill perfectly down t
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    demanding and rude customers I am talking about basic requests. EDIT: someone in the comments said that if you forget to ask for ranch until your food comes you should be “forced to apologize to every single table.” This is what I'm talking about. If you're THAT mad about that you shouldn't work a costumer service job.
  • 9
    Posted by u/youchosehowiact 16 days ago The term "homewrecker" should be reserved for cheating spouses only. Often when a person cheats on their spouse the person they cheated with is called a "homewrecker". I feel like this is unfair and takes the blame away from the person who cheated. Often the other person doesn't even know they are being used to cheat so it's really unfair to blame them at all. Even if they knew, the still arent the ones who broke heir vows and actually destroyed the relati
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    Posted by u/Wave Whole 9765 5 days ago The "follow your dream" mantra is complete BS The idea that you should "follow your dream" when it comes to major life decisions such as selecting a college or career is complete BS. It's often spouted by one-in-a- million success stories such as successful athletes, actors, and musicians. There's a reason that these people are so rare, though: the odds of being that one in a million is, well, one in a million.
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  • 11
    Posted by u/LanieLove9 14 days ago Travelling doesn't make someone more interesting I have met way too many avid travellers that have nothing to add to most conversations besides where they've been/what they've done while they were abroad. It gets so boring and repetitive when people who travel a lot make it their entire personality. I don't think they're more interesting for having been to more places than the average person. It makes for a fun conversation or two... or three but at some point
  • 12
    Posted by u/rfe86444 24 days ago Being attracted to someone for their money is less superficial than being attracted to someone for their looks. The Title. Being attracted to someone because they have money is seen as superficial or low, but most relationships start with something more superficial...physical attraction. At least with money, you know your life will be comfortable and their is a chance that earned that money from being hard working or intellegent.
  • 13
    Posted by u/goldyacht 7 days ago Going to college or university for any degree that doesn't guarantee you a high paying job is dumb I say this as someone who did exactly that, I got a business degree which honestly isn't the most useless thing but was ultimately a waste. If you're gonna go to school, spend 4 years of your life and countless hours all to end up in a massive pile of debt you better make it worthwhile. That time can be spent working towards a real future or something that will help
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  • 14
    Posted by u/Aeserality 10 days ago Stop saying you've "outgrown" your friends. It's an incredibly egotistical thing to say. Stop telling people that you've outgrown your friends, using the term outgrown is condescending as it implies that those friends are either immature or you're implying whatever interests you may share has become childish. Outgrown makes it sound as you are above them, unless they're known for being immature it's not always appropriate to say outgrown. There's other ways tha
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    Posted by u/Silver 969 17 days ago Opening with "Hey" on dating apps is always the right move. Really I love opening with a "Hey" 1. If they don't respond to "Hey" and think its dry they aren't worth talking to at all. 2. When you meet strangers irl you usually open up with "Hey" not crazy flirty bs 3. You'd say they matched with you so they're obviously interested. Not always true and some peoples intentions are to be analyzed slowly through conversations.
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    4. You don't know this person at all they could be in a relationship or looking at your wallet or body. Not your personality at all. 5. Not everything has to be interesting right off the bat. Like most people "flex" their bodies or wealth making it seem like they're not as boring as they really are. 6. If someone doesn't think you're interesting or immediately think you're boring for being a human trying to start a normal conversation. That show instant red flags that it's not going to work.
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  • 17
    Posted by u/Powerful-Drama556 19 days ago A promise ring means you're never getting married. A promise ring is an empty promise. If you were ready for the commitment, you would buy an engagement ring. Or just get married. The only reason to get a promise ring is because one partner really wants the commitment but the other doesn't, so they buy a ring to appease them. This fundamental disconnect is almost always a death sentence for any relationship. Good luck explaining the promise ring to your
  • 18
    Posted by u/MisRandomness 11 days ago The Midwest is underutilized. There's lots of cities that have a lot to offer and room to grow. People should stop moving to the over-popular cities. I feel like there are plenty of cities in the Midwest that have room to grow but seems like everyone has a stick up their bɩ ts about the Midwest. There's plenty of rivers, lakes, parks, old architecture, events, art scene, all the things most cities have. Sure there's not sweeping mountain vistas but there's p
  • 19
    Posted by u/bananaprincess1 8 days ago "Not giving af k" is not cool. People need to care. So many rap songs I hear always have lyrics like "I dont give a fk, I don't give a dån" like well no wonder the world is going to sì t. Somebody needs to give af k. We can't just all not care about one another. Who's going to make banana bread?
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  • 20
    Posted by u/i-got-a-jar-of-rum 1 month ago People who say “don't blame others for the problems in your life" are ignorant and refuse to acknowledge there are people in the world that create problems and misery for others. I get that life hits hard but I don't need pseudo-intellectual types that get their philosophy from Rocky Balboa to tell me everything is my fault and in my control when there are clear external actors that make my life and others' lives harder than they need to be. They don't
  • 21
    Posted by u/Caribou NWT 28 days ago B If you cheat on your husband/wife, assets should be split 70:30, not 50:50 If someone grows se al desire for someone outside of their marriage, there is currently no reason not to cheat. Either you end the marriage then and there, or you cheat for months or years, and maybe never get caught. Worst case, it's a 50:50 split, which would be the case anyway. There is no downside to trying to cheat on your partner, no real risk. If you dishonour your agreement wi
  • 22
    Posted by u/greenishstones 25 days ago Married people splitting their finances is foolish and asking for trouble. I've never understood why married couples do this. It's not helpful. It creates separation that leads to jealousy and ridiculous debates about money. Money should be lumped together and then the decision on how it's spent should be made together, as a loving couple. I feel like keeping them separate only proves that you don't trust each other and are waiting for the divorce to inevit
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  • 23
    Posted by u/Jesusthezomby 4 days ago Saying you can't cook is basically saying that you're incapable of following simple directions There are plenty of easy to follow recipes. A cup of this a teaspoon of that, cook at this heat etc. People can play video games and make split second decisions using eight buttons and solve everyday complex problems of the modern world but for some reason they can't follow simple cooking instructions?
  • 24
    Posted by u/Eruzia 28 days ago Drinking water out of a bottle with your mouth on it is gross I've always been taught to drink water the waterfall way, where your mouth doesn't come in to contact with the bottle's opening at all. The reason was that if you constantly drink water with your mouth on the bottle, there's going to be a lot of backwash accumulated in the bottle throughout the day. It's especially gross when someone does it right after eating. Nobody I talk to about this seems to unders
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    Posted by u/ooh_bit_of_bush 3 days ago You are "from" where you were born and raised, not where your parents, grandparents etc were born and raised. If you were born and raised in USA and both of your parents are Chinese, then you're American. You're not Chinese, your parents are. Sure, you might speak Mandarin, and have a lot of Chinese cultural references. If you were born and raised in England to parents who were born and raised in Wales, then you are not Welsh. Your parents are Welsh. And fo
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  • 26
    Posted by u/alliknowis_nothing 12 days ago Being married to your high school sweetheart isn't romantic or endearing... it's actually kind of sad. I'm probably alone here but I just can't bring myself to think couples who have been together since high school are sweet or inspirational. Getting married young limits your experience as an individual to exposure of different perspectives in relationships. You never were given the chance to develop your own identity that could lead to potential challe
  • 27
    Posted by u/Soft_Telephone3293 5 days ago You are NOT missing out or wasting your 20's if you avoid drinking, partying or hooking up I don't understand why people can't grasp the fact that not everyone enjoys drinking, partying and hooking up. Not everyone considers those things fun. People are genuinely convinced that you are wasting your life away by not doing these things and that you are going to look back on your 20's and realise that you wasted them. How exactly are you going to look back
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    Posted by u/Curitiboca 7 months ago Fake lashes are ugly and you won't be taken seriously with them I get it if you're an actress and you're on camera on miles away in a video, people can't barely see your face. A sweet sixteen party or wedding? Yeah, sure, there will be pictures. But everyday life? People will see that up close and notice you spent a ridiculous amount of time putting pieces of plastic in your face. Same for long acrylic nails and obviously fake hair extensions. Things that are
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  • 29
    Posted by u/tamaleringwald 6 days ago Boba is f king disgusting. Ugh. I work at a school and all the kids LOOOVE that s. t. But the entire business is a straight abomination. An affront to God's creation. The sliminess, the squishiness, the cloying sweetness, the's like you're slurping up kraken embryos. Don't even get me started on that weird beige milky stuff they're floating in that supposedly qualifies as 'tea", either. No sir, you can fk right off with all of it. Д


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