20 Sweet And Silly Cat Memes To Put A Smile On Your Face While You Wait Out The Work Week

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    They are on a phone call
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    I bought a bunch of bananas and I've caught Cleo staring at them every day since
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    I'm coughing so hard I'm breaking a sweat and it's like a million degrees in my house and this one WONT STOP UNPLUGGING THE FAN.
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    she has taken the absolute best photo of the cats.
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    Dani Balenson @dlbee_ Made the bed, kept cleaning the apartment, realized I hadn't seen the cat for a little bit and found him like this
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    "livin' the life!"

    4 years ago I lived in a bush and hunted for my meals. Now I have 2 passive incomes, my 43.3K own house, & a personal chef. Follow for financial advice s 1.2K
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    "the cat distribution system in effect."

    い VALER Tom Cox @cox_tom Found this cat inside our house tonight. Never seen him before. www Seems very unfazed about the whole situation.
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    Poor girl broke her favorite sitting basket. kitten-caboodle Follow I'm sorry but this is the funniest thing I have ever seen ever in my fucking life her PEETS are STICKING OUT
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    "the purrfect sleeping hideout"

    Britney Diane @britneydiane We just spent a hour looking for her.
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    "sorry, not possible (said the cat)"

    Why every roll? Can you not leave just one for us to eat??
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    "ba dum tss"

    Date: you told me you were interesting? Me: I said I was 'into resting'
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    "who else does this?"

    My niece takes pictures of my cat and then she shows him how he looks
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    "the cat owner sleeping lifestyle"

    usually wake up before my wife and I'll look over to see our cat Yuffie sitting on top of her I had to beg my wife to be able to post these
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    "a loyal furriend"

    Our cat waits outside every morning to be with my son when he waits for the bus.
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    When I win the lottery, I'm not going to tell anyone, but there will be signs. Lory
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    The perfect train ride doesn't exis...
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    "you just can't get the workers these days"

    sunny @chobeeing nobody helps me around this DAMN house
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    When my cat sees I'm making fish tacos. Hola amigo-
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    "a cat within a cat"

    This cat has a cat-shaped spot
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  • 20
    jillstrif Kell fell asleep on the couch one night so we gave him a pillow and a blanket which we made out of kleenex because we always have those around on our coffee table for when we watch feely stuff


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