10 of the Most Hilarious Photoshop Trolls on the Internet

  • 01

    "Can you add a better background?"

    Fun - క క
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  • 02

    "Can you make it look like I'm holding a bigger fish?"

    Fish - MERC My Webcam Is Finally Working, and i want you to come see me! Click to begin! Online Now!
  • 03

    "Can you make it look like I'm touching the top?"

    Tree - sidfrisjes 3 months ago +Follow Instagnam 308 likes 38 comments BALLET SCHOOL
  • 04

    "Can you photoshop us in the same picture?"

    Photography - Can you photoshop us in the same picture? Exit RIEMURASIA NET
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  • 05

    "Can you change the background?"

    Grass - 8
  • 06

    "Can you fix this photo?"

    Fish - my photo camera is a bit blue. PhotoshopTrol.com PhotoshopRequest.com Mar 22 (11 days ago) Werner to request Hi please help me with my photo when i take pictures the photos comes out all blue. i tried erasing the bhue but it did not work also i have added a pcture tooked with my girlfriends camera this is not blue at all so it cannot be the sky. maybe my camera fell into the water anyways i want my photo with my friend to be just as clear as the photo with my girlfriend thanks very much i
  • 07

    "Can you fix my red eyes?"

    Photo caption - Can someone here fix the redeye in my pic? Just was out shooting some bike pics with my friend tonight, anyone here with good photoshop skills able to take out the red eye would be much appreciated thanks! did the red eye go away??!?!??! Originally Posted by lanketer omfg ffs man, i didnt show this to my ing freinds. a couple knew i was on the forums and check here every once and while now posting it all over ing tacebook. way to ruin my ing week you quack jobs You don't have any
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  • 08

    "Can someone photoshop the sun between my fingers?"

  • 09

    "Can you make my jump look higher?"

    Skateboarding - File: 1342358856404 ipg-(122 KB, 640x960, higher.jpg) Anonymous (ID: tNF9oyQg) 07/15/12(Sun)09:27:36 No.412360352 Hellos /b/ I was skating this morning and a friend took a picture of me. I want to post it on facebook, so that my friends see how awesome I am there is just one problem. I am not good at photoshop so could someone make me jump higher >tdr make me jump higher with photoshop Replies: 412280781412281463 Anonymous (ID: XVE5++uF) 07/15/12(Sun)09:28:10 No.412360403 claimin
  • 10

    "Can you make it look like I'm touching the top?"

    Photograph - Afrojack f Like Page Musician/Band 8,428,990 Likes May 13 Can someone photoshop this so it looks like I'm touching the Eiffel Tower?? #AfrojacklnParis 134,032 Likes 3,227 Comments 1,005 Shares jholachhap stud @JholaChhapSTUD 10h No need to thank me :D @djafrojack #AfrojacklnParis D enjoyyyyy D


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