Not every animal is born into the best of circumstances, some animals whether they are wild animals or farm animals, become in need of a loving home.We've featured some moving stories about cows on I Can Has Cheezburger such as Tohar the cow, who lost her momma when she was only 8 days old, but thankfully found her way to Shanti farm where other disabled animals get rescued and find forever homes, and today we are super excited to feature Jenna, another awwdorable cow. Jenna found her forever home at a farm animal sanctuary in Williamsburg Virginia. She now lives there happily along with many pigs, turkeys, chickens, and other delightful animals.
If you would like to watch a delightful story about a happy cow receiving tons of cuddles and love, then look no further, because Jenna's story is a sweet story with a very happy ending. Cows can be pretty goofy animals, and Jenna has a lot of laughter and joy to bring to everybody around her. Don't believe us? Just take a look at Jenna's story in this video and you'll see exactly what we mean.