If you were blessed with young-looking genes, you encounter some pretty funny things. You get asked for ID in your thirties. You get told by a distant aunt at a family dinner to go sit at the kid's table. You get mistaken by teachers for being a student… that is, if you work in education. The list is endless, and embarrassing, but there's some good in it too — you look young, that's great. Lucky you.
This teacher was absolutely gobsmacked when another teacher came up to her in the hall and began speaking in a demanding tone, as if she was a kid, a student, or both. Where was her uniform? Why was she on her phone? She began explaining that she wasn't a student and that this teacher should probably check his tone, only to be dragged to the principal's office to be given detention. Check out the hilarious events unfold below.
Next, an employee who refused to work overtime as a favor to a coworker because of how the situation was handly. Hint, it was handled badly.