It's remarkable how eerily similar some of these delivery tales are!
Whether it's entitled customers getting frustrated about the silliest things (like not enough extra sauce) or teenagers trying to pull pranks or people getting a little too flirty with their delivery drivers, the ways in which customers can end up on a "No Delivery" list seem to fall into the same range of uncalled-for behavior. What's more surprising is how many people try to pull the same stunts over and over again and how customers somehow feel the agency to cross way too many boundaries when they feel that they have been wronged.
Dealing with this behavior should not be a part of the job description of a pizza delivery driver, yet it seems to have become a part of the daily work grind. So next time you get even remotely frustrated with your driver, think about some of the Karens and nonsensical behavior they may have already experienced today before you do anything outlandish. For more stories like this, check out this list of embarrassing work stories.
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