Lucy Lou, the Cat Overlooked at the Shelter for 1,141 Days Finally Gets Adopted After Going Viral on Social Media: ‘She finally found her person!’

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    DAYS WITHOUT A FOREVER FAMILY: 1.141 I need a home, not just a place I have been at NAWS for a long time. Please consider opening your heart/home to me.
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    Cheezburger Image 10358608640
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    Lucy Lou has spent 1,141 days in our animal rescue program.
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    She was relinquished due to no fault of her own.
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    She waits, and waits, and waits for her forever home.
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    But she is tired.
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    0 She is overlooked due to being FIV+
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    But she is the most gentle girl.
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    Please consider adopting or fostering for your local animal rescue to change the lives of animals like Lucy Lou.
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    frangrzesik Fran Grzesik. ♥LUCY LOU UPDATE! The power of social media is incredible. After waiting SO long, Lucy Lou finally found her forever home. I am so incredibly grateful to @Laura♥for opening up your heart and home to Lucy Lou, I know that you will spoil her endlessly. To all the volunteers and staff @NAWSHumane Society Mokena that continuously took care of Lucy Lou, you are also all incredible. We are all going to miss you SO much Lucy, but we know you are in the best hands possible. It
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    Lucy Lou spent 1,145 days in our animal rescue program...
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    DAYS WITHOUT A FOREVER FAMILY: Today... She finally found her person.
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    Finally: LucyLou I found my FOREVER HOME! ONAWSHUMANESOCIETY Here's to forever, Lucy LOU
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