Knowing your rights as an employee is essential. Your management has a duty to provide for some essential needs; other needs are voluntary, but depending on the manager-you relationship, they may have an impact on your future in the organization.
The story below is an account of a frustrated worker. The original poster (OP) goes to Reddit to ask for guidance on whether his employer is infringing on his fundamental rights as an employee. For background, OP clarifies that some employees work indoors while others work outside, but he does not specifically name his location of employment. It is now required to give those who work outside food and beverages. That's why he was taken aback when the management approached the crew asking for 'donations'.
That said, check out the story below to learn whether the crew complied and donated water bottles to the outside personnel! Additionally, when you're done, don't forget to read the story of the devoted worker who was driven to the brink of despair after his paid time off was canceled, only a few weeks before the much-awaited family vacation!
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