Welcome back internet ladies and gentlemen. Relationships can seem as complicated as flying to the moon, or performing open heart surgery. But why is that? It's just two people working things out together, and somehow it drives us to stressful and unhinged places we never thought we would be. Humans are such emotional creatures…aren't we? Always swaying this way and that; never fully sure of our decisions and in a constant state of emotional purgatory.
This particular Reddit thread follows a couple, in which the woman is a successful neurologist. She's the breadwinner, by far. She gets pregnant unexpectedly, and they decide to keep the baby, on certain crucial conditions. The man agrees to be a stay-at-home father, due to the fact that the woman makes significantly more money than him. Well, being a stay-at-home dad doesn't turn out to be what he thought it was…read below for the full story.
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