They say motherhood is beautiful-- and it is! As a mother, you are bestowed the privilege of raising tiny humans. You get to help them discover who are, teach them how to navigate the crazy world around them, and watch as they reach ever-increasing and advancing milestones until they eventually become functional members of society. It is a long journey, yet it also seems to pass by far too quickly. There are certain moments that many moms would probably prefer to speed-run through, though-- moments that no parenting book or hasty Google search could prepare you or give you the answer for. From newborns to toddlers, preteens to teens , and young adults to full-grown adults, every stage of motherhood comes with its own trials and tribulations. Some challenges are unique to a child's stage in life, and others somehow circle back; the things we thought we overcame at the toddler stage always seem to come back amplified in adolescence. If you need to blow off some steam with some humor after a challenging day of child rearing, check out this bundle of hilarious Tweets that perfectly encapsulate the ups and downs of parenting.
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