Sharing finances as a married couple is one of the most difficult things about marriage. It rarely happens that the salaries are equal and everything is hunky dory. Usually, one person makes more money than the other and this introduces some imbalances. Does that mean the other one does more of the housework? How is that defined? If you don't have a rock-solid base of a relationship, then money troubles are sure to shake your ground.
Especially when you add children to the mix. Children are expensive for one, they're always needing new shoes or braces or whatever it is. And they're also another full-time job, but an unpaid one. So if you're already working, it can be difficult to divvy up the child-rearing labor in a way that makes everyone happy. That's the situation this couple found themselves in when the husband had the bright idea to get a part-time job. Except the outcome wasn't what he expected. Read on for the story.