Don't tell me what to do.
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Don't tell me what to do.
If entitled authority really grinds your gears and you hate being told how to live, this next story may really ruffle your feathers. We've all had suboptimal living situations where paper-thin walls, mediocre ceilings, and ‘affordable’ accommodations fall short of expectations, but the one thing you learn first when you're living on your own is how to deal with a little discomfort. Spawned from the late-night hollering of drunken building-mates or the creaking floorboards of your upstairs neighbor, many people develop a thick skin over the years of what kinds of noise they can handle in their safe space.
Well, the elderly grouch in this next story apparently didn't have enough decades under his belt to learn true patience when it came to his neighborly love. Although I understand gently remind your floormates to be mindful of others living in the building (that is, if they're being blatantly disrespectful), if you scream ‘PIPE DOWN’ at your neighbors for mundane ‘life noises’ at 10 PM, that's not going to be well-received.
Without provocation, this man left passive-aggressive notes to his neighbors, targeting apartment numbers and calling out ‘quiet hours’ when nobody was allowed to vacuum, listen to music, or basically make any noise at all. If only he had just asked nicely… Read on to get all the juicy details of this apartment building feud that boiled over when an entitled neighbor started getting a little too pushy.
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