Welcome back internet enthusiasts. To be honest, I barely knew what 'legal separation' meant until reading this Reddit thread. I guess the idea behind it has good intentions, but it lacks some clarity and keeps two people in a strange limbo, opening up new disasters to happen. But hey, I'm not the one to judge here. What I do judge is that the man sees one text on his wife's phone and acts like she had some great, outrageous affair when she didn't.
We all make mistakes, and hinting to a coworker that you may have feelings is wrong. I couldn't imagine the heartbreak at reading something like that, and although it's tip-toeing around emotional cheating, it just isn't cheating. The world is rough, and people are flawed. But I do believe in a certain amount of forgiveness for these sorts of mistakes. Infidelity is a spectrum, and this barely touches that spectrum. In my opinion, this man is an idiot for throwing away his marriage over a text, instead of having a heart-to-heart with his wife.
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