Laundry is one of those never-ending chores. It never ceases! If you have young kids, you basically have to do laundry every day. And even if you're just a single person with no kids, you'll find yourself doing more laundry in the summer due to getting sweaty when you go outside.
At least if you live with family members, you can divide and conquer. One person can load up the washer, while another puts the wet clothes in the dryer and then folds them. But for this college kid, having her parents anywhere near her precious clothing was an absolute no.
It's hard to go back to your parents' house after you've experienced the freedom of college life. You suddenly feel like you're being treated like a kid again: your parents want to know what you're doing and where you're going and if you've eaten yet today. This college kid seems to be rebelling a bit by establishing "boundaries" with her parents. That's great in theory, but the rest of the family is finding it hard to live with the harsh rules she's set in place.
Check out the full story plus the two updates below: commenters actually helped the family find their balance! Reddit for the win!
Next, check out a few totally bizarre musical instruments of chaos.
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