Welp, the working week has come around once again and that can only mean we already at our whits end by this point in the day. Time is dragging on slowly and there is little we can do to fight the feelings of wanting to be at home, cuddling with our cute cat children. And as that fury starts to bubble up within you, you may indeed notice a sizzling sensation that is guiding you to unleash your frustration on all that you see before you and start a revolution in the office with all your coworkers to overthrow your bullying boss. Hence, the creation of this list of furiously funny posts of animals going 'Goblin Mode' to inspire your in office uprising.
From the fierce felines who have spent years purrfecting their stern and serious look that evokes fear in all that haphazardly look upon them, to the driving doggo who looks like he has a need for speed and does not understand the concept of crashing just yet, to the evil eagle who swooped in on a more convenient form of prey, a human's burger.
The uprising starts with a single bite, or in this case the destruction of a single curtain to make a pawfect look out spot, such that there will be someone present and on the lookout for the pawlice when they are inevitably called by one of your middle managers. Safety first, is always the best policy after honesty.
Some uprisings are violent and vicious, others are strange and cute, and this one most definitely falls in the latter category of uprising. It seems as though this furry cutie pie was attempting to let out a defining yell of attack when, through the intense effort, she ended up blowing a snot bubble almost the size of her head.
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