Arts & Craft stores seem to attract a lot of Karens…
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We already know most entitled people throwing tantrums everywhere they go must have a lot of time on their hands. You must have a lot of free time to think about yourself and justify your bad behavior if you're acting like that in public, ya know? So what do people tend to do when they have a lot of free time? They amp up their hobbies! Oftentimes, these hobbies will need supplies from an arts and crafts store. Cue the Karen customers flocking to places like Michael's, Joann Fabrics, and other popular arts and crafts stores. Many employees there are young people just working minimum wage to get by. Unfortunately, many of the regular customers at these stores end up being Karens…
So what do these employees do when they encounter Karens every day? They ban them of course! You know you can “fire” an employee and refuse them business? Yep. That is perfectly legal, and honestly, people should pull that card more often when it comes to Karens. So here are arts and crafts employees telling their side of the story when it comes to Karen encounters and how to “fire” the customer.
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