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Whether you are religious or not, having someone yell whatever they're reading in your face when you're just trying to get home from a stressful day at work is not fun. That is why people read in silence. Yet, there are some people out there who think it is their duty to yell their beliefs in your face. Yes, we are talking about those people who go onto public transit and scream bible verses in your face. It doesn't matter how loudly you turn the volume up in your headphones, they still somehow get through.
It's already annoying that the train is packed, but now you have to get yelled at. Well, luckily, there are some heroes who take the train that don't wear capes. Like this Lord of the Rings “nerd.” Many moons ago a man came on the train and was yelling bible verses in everyone's faces. Ok, so that happens, you just ignore it. But not this time! This time a “due with a ponytail” stood up and started reading Lord of the Rings right next to the bible guy. At the same volume and speed. The whole train started laughing and he was able to de-escalate the situation and get the bible guy to stop. A win-win for everyone on that train!
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