Much like the neighbors in your own home, it is important to have a good relationship with the neighbors in your place of work. Usually, those neighbors are other companies that reside in the same office building as your company, but some people have to deal with rather unexpected kinds of neighbors that are hard to come by.
Imagine having a chemical plant as your work neighbor. Think about all the things you would have to deal with when sharing a neighborhood with a plant that deals with chemical and toxic products.
The employees in this Reddit story paint the picture in a detailed way since they had to deal with this exact problem, when even the plant's truck drivers were causing them problems, with the main one being that they kept parking their trucks in a way that blocked the employees' entrance to their office.
Scroll down to read the employee's response and revenge on those entitled drivers. After you are done with this story, click here for a story of a server who caught diners trying to sneak in drinks to a restaurant.
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