Lord of the Rings taught us what it means to be a Fellowship. Putting your counterparts first in order to complete a nearly impossible goal was the cornerstone of their relationship, setting an example for even the rockiest of romances. If there's one thing I've learned throughout the saga of my own love life, it's that LOTR had it right–there is always hope in the dark to find the Ring, even if you have to scourge the depths of Khazad-Dûm, cross the plains of the Rohirrim, and fight a battle alongside some sentient trees.
But how do you know that the love of your life will go on this epic quest of life alongside you? Will he be as loyal as Sam? As wise as Gandalf? Or as determined as Aragorn? Truthfully, the best way to tell if your partner is the love of your life is to see if they'll answer when Gondor calls for aid. Will they sit for 12 hours with you to binge-watch all of the extended editions of the Lord of the Rings? If not, consider fighting side by side with a "friend" instead of falling for the wrong dude.
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