After a cat-a-strophically short weekend, hooman cat lovers are back on the grind.
Even after hitting snooze 4 times and rolling on our side to admire our sleeping kitty in the bed, we're forced to enter the real world and exit this purrfect bubble. Our oasis at home has a way of purrifying our souls, and I'd argue that it's not just the tasteful throw pillows, the feng-shui furniture, and the fine-tuned AC settings–it's our cat.
Cats are the wholesome furball that we continually look forward to reuniting with at the end of each day. Rough work day? Cat cuddles. Bad breakup? Kiss the kitty. Friends cancel on you? Amazing, I'll go chill on the couch with my REAL best friend, my feline. So if you're recovering from a weekend that should have been at least another two days longer, keep scrolling to refuel your Monday meowtivation via the source material of all things good in this world: Cats.
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