Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. In relationships, there are manifold ways of abusing someone. It doesn't always look like hitting, though that's horrible enough. Psychological abuse is still abuse, and tormenting someone's mind for your own personal gain or entertainment is a pretty disgusting practice. It stems from a place of either immaturity and lack of emotional intelligence enough to deal with problems, instead of getting defensive, or it's just plain malicious. A lot of people know they're being emotionally manipulative, and they like it. It keeps a victim trapped in their hold, and it allows them to feel powerful.
This brings us to the Reddit piece. OP is a woman whose husband constantly gaslights her. If he says x and refutes it, and acts like she's the crazy one. He says he doesn't want to go home from shopping, then calls her telling her he's in the car waiting for her. She's running circles around a grown man so he can laugh behind her back; despicable doesn't even come close to this behavior. She's right for leaving him, if that's what she actually does.
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