This dad had a hilarious way to help out his teenager, but the kiddo was awfully embarrassed by their dad's unorthodox methods!
When you're a teenager, you're bound to go through a phase where everything your parents do embarrasses you. They're singing while doing the dishes? Cringe! They're insisting on going to the store with you to get new clothing? OMG, no! Parents aren't even doing anything wrong, but their teenagers will be mortified regardless.
Even so, this person's parents took their tactics to the next level. And they weren't even trying to humiliate their kid! They just wanted to stand up for their child when the kid was the target of an unfair rule. The student kept being late for school, and that's a tough question when it comes to who needs to be held accountable. Let's be real, a lot of kids are late for school all the time because their parents need to drag them out of bed and beg them to get ready to go. If your teen doesn't want to go to school, it's going to take a small miracle to get them there! But even that wasn't this kid's problem, since they were a self-proclaimed "really really good kid" who diligently tried to follow the rules. Punishing a kid like that for something way out of their control is pretty silly, as school admins found out swiftly!
Next up, these waiters and waitresses told all about the most awkward dates they've ever witnessed, like one woman who had to tell her BF, "I've told you before, I'm not marrying you."
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