It's about that time for most kids in the U.S. right now… That horrid time of *lightning strikes* *thunder cracks* BACK TO SCHOOL. That's right, if it hasn't happened yet, it's coming for you're kids very soon. For the kids, dread has filled the air. For the parents, it's a sigh of relief. You get your days back, mom and dad! Not that you didn't enjoy the summer with your kids, but now, well, you know. Anyways, for the kiddos who ride the bus, let's soften the back-to-school blow with some LOLable school bus memes. Everyone who has ever taken the school bus knows the hierarchy. The back of the bus is the cool kids, the middle of the bus sits the "normal" kids, and the front is for the shy ones. It's just how it's always been. The back of the bus is reserved for rule-breakers and troublemakers. But wherever you sit on the bus, these memes are meant for you, happy back to school!