being a parent is hard, there is no arguing with that. How parents manage to take care of their kids and give them everything they have to offer while also maintaining their own identity and aspirations in life, is beyond me.
Once one starts seeing their parents as actual, real people, one starts to learn that there is no rule book and there aren't any guidelines to being a parent, they just wing it as they go, which unsurprisingly means that parents make many, many, many mistakes.
One mistake, for example, is what the dad did to their kid in this Reddit story. Their neighbor decided to sell them his fancy car for a cheap price, with the intention that the car would go to the kid. The father, however, had different plans and ended up taking the car for himself, leaving his kid with an old and barely running car. The disappointed kid tried to get their dad to do what the neighbor intended and give up the car, but the dad strongly refused.
Scroll down to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of an employee who was hired and then fired within 3 hours.
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