When your fluffy feline friend wants a treat, there will be no stopping them. Cats are determined and opinionated, and if your cat sets their mind on a treat target - you know they'll get it. Something is changing in them, like a flipped switch, and from a lovable fluffy floof they turn to a feisty fuzzy creature hellbent on getting their deserved treats.
At first, they will plot how to plunder the treat trove, probably on the highest of shelves. And if that doesn't work, they'll change tactics - meow and meow and meow endlessly, until you cave in to their demands and get those treats down from the secret storage stash.
So now that we know your cat will get their treats either way, while they enjoy monching on them, you can enjoy an online treat - cat memes. Scroll down for Caturday cat fun. You need this scrolling rest after this mental battle with your cat over those treats.
Wahoo indeed, it's the weekend! So go and pet pet pet your cat cat cat. No better time to do that than on a weekend. Go and have some cat quality time, you've earned it.
Um, sorry, your honor? The kitty's not guilty. Look at the kitty's face - the kitty cannot be guilty. It really wasn't the kitty. No one can be guilty with a floofy face like this.
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