Playing DnD isn't just a game, it's a roleplaying, tavern-storming, cloaked-stranger-chatting, cursed-item-grabbing galore of epic proportions. We don't play Dungeons and Dragons so that we can have our characters go clock into their 9-5, listen to their boss bicker about 'deliverables', then dream of a frothy cold one the entire commute home. No way!
DnD players imagine themselves in a universe outside of all the worldly BS where even the shrimpiest of accountants can play as a Barbarian, taming rogue wolves to do their bidding in battle and flirting with wenches enchanted by the party's Bard. You can be anyone you want… Finally! So long as your DM doesn't TPK (total party kill), the entire group with an L10 enchanted unicorn boss that voms acidic rainbows that destroy everyone's battle armor in their first move, then those nights playing DnD can go for hours. For some, their lives within the game are far juicier and far more exciting than our real world will ever be and who's to fault them for wanting to meet up every week? Not me.
So if your imagination knows not the confines of your meager cubicle, scroll onward to enjoy a collection of uncursed memes that'll make you message the party group chat for an emergency session.