School is back in session. STEM students who were glad to leave the lab fumes behind them for the summer are back to acid burns, titration models, and organic chemistry modeling structures. Chemistry captivated us way back when we were making simple shampoo potions during bath-time, but now that we're incorporating NaCl, moles, and covalent bonds, all of a sudden, potion-making just got a lot more complicated.
Lucky for chem students, you have all semester to blame your lab partner for blowing up the beakers in a simple salt water experiment, but as full-grown chemistry specialists, we're no longer playing with the chemistry sets of yore or messing around with a slime kit–these are the big leagues now. So for anyone who misses the simplicity of balancing equations, memorizing the Periodic Table of Elements, and trembling as you receive your first midterm grade for your O-chem midterm, keep scrolling for a laugh and a chuckle that will leave you in your element.