We've heard enough about the middle children and even more about the youngest children. Though any position in a sibling hierarchy has its pros and cons, I find that eldest siblings don't get enough love, and I think they would agree. I mean, it's difficult being the first child of a bunch and watching your parents slowly hold you to higher expectations without the glaring favoritism shown to younger siblings. Luckily, the oldest siblings have enough love for one another to fill in the gaps.
Who is doing most of the chores and helping mom out when the younger children start acting out? Who stays out of their parent's hair and banishes themselves to their bedroom to play angsty music and study hard for the upcoming exam? That's right. The oldest sibling community is one that should be cherished. They don't ask for a lot, and have a pretty stellar sense of humor that might be the result of parental favoritism. Yet, the oldest siblings learn to thrive under any conditions and are accomplished and holistically solid people.
If you're the oldest sibling in your family, scroll through these memes that'll let you know you're not alone—and if fellow oldest siblings created these memes, they're pretty darn funny individuals.