An employee recently shared how their entitled coworker slid into their DMs asking to borrow clothes for her sister's wedding so that she could save some money. The employee was new at the company and had barely known this coworker for barely a month, but thinking she was doing a good deed, she agreed to let her borrow one outfit. Now she's using this story to warn others to not befriend their coworkers on social media.
Fast forward over a year later. Still no sign of those clothes. What makes it even worse is that they see each other every day at work. Anytime the woman asked her coworker about the clothes, the entitled coworker would act like she completely forgot. After months of excuses, it became pretty clear the coworker wasn't planning on returning the borrowed outfit. Keep reading below to see how the rest of the story plays out. And then stick around for the comments - some Redditors are in complete disagreement of who's in the wrong.
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