Welcome back lovers of the internet. The pain and pleasure of love and dating can be so consuming that you lose yourself in the process. Falling in love can be so encompassing that you feel yourself falling into the other person, almost fading into them. The temerity of a breakup can also send someone into such a engulfing spiral that they can't seem to get back to their previous self and remember who they are, or who they felt before the relationship.
If you've ever found yourself in a situation like this, don't worry because it's a normal human response to the throes of love. And it's not like it's new; even in 1549 people were struggling with love, life, and heartbreak. Where do you think they got the inspiration to make beautiful artworks like these? Only the intensity of love's toady control can have this kind of effect on someone, to the point where they create works of art that withstand centuries. If our dating problems stem from dating apps, or ghosting culture, what were the causes back in the Renaissance and Middle Ages?
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