Wholesome Scaredy Cat Protects Her Petrified Pawrent From Enraged Aunt, Proving That Cats Are Actually Man’s Best Friend

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    Obviously I know cats are attuned to the emotions of their owner(s) (usually lol), but I find it kind of endearing thinking back on this memory. My aunt was a narcissist and I grew from tolerance to a genuine hate towards her. Just to give you an idea, she called me on Christmas one year and yelled at me until I cried, calling me "evil and ungrateful". I was 8. This was not the first time.
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    Anyway, she came to visit one year, and we had gotten our girl Cali in the past 8-10 months or so. I was (and am) her favorite, and she was (and still is) a scaredy cat by all means. (She hides if ANYONE comes over, gets scared by sneezes, etc). I've now had her almost 9 years and she's scratched me one time (self-defense, didn't see her under my foot and stepped on her tail lol), never hissed or anything. Now the second my aunt came in the door, she started to hide as per usual, but must've sen
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    sarcasic OP 1y ago. Here's my baby girl :) And please post pics of your own if you have them, I'd love to see some kitties :D
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    I think I got my guardian angel in cat form (not that I'm complaining) haha. Would love to hear if anyone has had similar experiences :) I'll post a photo in the comments of Cali in case anyone wants to see her! EDIT: What a wonderful thing to wake up to, a bunch of cats!! Thank you for all the pictures and stories so far, these are awesome to read haha. And yes I am doing better now, me and my family are no-contact with my aunt and have been for a few years :)
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    Charlie was my family pet growing up and while he was the family pet, I was absolutely the closest with him. A good way to describe it was that he was the family's cat but he was my brother.
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    Anyways, when I was in university, I nearly died of pneumonia, collapsed semi-conscious in my basement with a fever so high it put my body into a heat stroke. Now I have no way to say what he was thinking, but I choose to believe that when he went and pulled tissues out of the box and dropped them into a little pile of them next to me, it's because he knew I was really sick and from seeing us with colds he thought tissues helped with sick. So he was just trying to help. Unhelpful, but appreciate
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    Morvar_ 10mo ago • This is a really heartwarming story, I fully believe that he was trying to fix things with the tissues May I ask what happened after you collapsed? Did someone find you and call an ambulance or something? My mind pictures someone passed out in the basement with a worried cat and I feel like I need closure
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    Difficult Sea_2353 • 10mo ago ⚫ The family cat when I was 4 or 5 years old. He was a rescue my dad found on the street behind the local police station. He was incredibly angry towards my mother and father, but somehow always tolerated me. I could drag him around, dress him up, I even put hand lotion on him one time. One day I was playing with our dog in the backyard and he got way too wound up, ended up knocking me over and running across me lol. The moment I started crying for my mom the cat la
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    Laney20 10mo ago • My kitties know good people, too. My mother in law visited once and they all hid the entire time. A month later, my sister visited (maybe the second time they'd met her in like 10 years, so it wasn't familiarity). The cats came up to her within 5 minutes. They like her very much, haha. (we don't speak to my MIL anymore)
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    lexievv 10mo ago⚫ Could also be general energy. One of our cats is a bit more standoffish towards my mum. But that's because my mum is a high energy person, And that's just not her jam lol. 71 • Laney20 10mo ago • Oh absolutely! It definitely could be that kind of thing, which is probably why they weren't big fans of my niblings when they were little. I would never judge someone solely on a cats reaction to them. It's just a data point. 21
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    mad_fishmonger ⚫ 10mo ago ⚫ Purranormal Cativity Ha ha my cat peed in my boyfriend's shoes and not long later he dumped me (he wanted to be alone....with someone else) and I thanked her for letting me know how she felt about him XD 59 + 1 more reply GlitterBlood773 • 10mo ago • They're beautiful & intelligent! I'm so glad your spouse was on board with no contact. That's a very necessary piece in such a difficult situation. Many happy days to you all!
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    DaggerDee ⚫10mo ago • When I was pregnant one of my cats sat on our window sill and hissed at every single person who stepped on our driveway (who wasn't my partner or parents). 312 peakingoranges • 10mo ago ⚫ One of my cats did this when I was pregnant too!! Hissed and growled at every single delivery person, lol.
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    • Ghost--2042 10mo ago • My BuBu. I was really sick with covid, writhing in agony in bed, struggling to breathe, in so much pain. She forced herself into my arms for cuddles, I found comfort and fell asleep. She got me through the night. Will never forget.
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    material_mailbox • 10mo ago • I have an example from today that is much more benign and coincidental. I live in a city where the temperature rarely dips below freezing. When it gets cold enough they advise us to drip our faucets to prevent water pipes from being damaged. I didn't realize it was supposed to get below freezing last night, not sure if got down to a temp that could've risked pipe damage, but I didn't drip my faucets before I went to sleep. Cut to this morning, I get up and start my
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    Mrs_CrapBag 10mo ago I don't have any story, but here's my baby. He is protective of himself lol cause he doesn't let anyone near him except me. He is my snuggle buddy. O 215 Leading_Many_2052 • 10mo ago He looks like such a little purrito!
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    One Science8349 • 10mo ago • My ex husband was a vile human. Anytime he'd scream at me or fight with me, my cat would piss on his clothes. We had one really big fight, it didn't get physical but furniture was smashed and it was just really not good. He went to bed that night and my cat had taken a dump in the center of his pillow. 199 Ezypeezylemonsqueezy ⚫ 10mo ago • I'm sorry about your ex but that comment made me laugh. Cats are amazing creatures lol 77 One Science8349 • 10mo ago • Oh it is a


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