Having shared values with your significant other is one of the most important dynamics in a relationship. I always felt like it's even concomitant to find someone who has overlapping values to you, because if they didn't it would have been difficult to get further in the relationship. How a person feels about money, marriage, or children matters a lot. If you're someone who isn't so into contrived aesthetics, normal hygiene, or materialism, then you're probably going to attract another similar hippie-type with values in line with your own.
However, it's not always the case. In this Reddit thread, the original poster (OP) is a man who's realizing he may not share the same values as his fiancee. After he proposed to her, she found out how much the ring cost him, and she wasn't happy. She approached him about it, and insisted he buy a more expensive ring. But you'll have to read the full story below for all the juicy details.
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