Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. We're all familiar with 'therapy speak,' and it's incorrect, or uneducated labels to people who may not be officially diagnosed. Someone may have narcissistic qualities, but it doesn't mean they're a narcissist. Someone may be overly avoidant about confrontation, but it doesn't always mean they're gaslighting you. So how do we know when we're really being treated unfairly? It's all in instinct and gut.
In this Reddit thread, it centers around a married couple and their baby. The husband is away on a two week vacation in another state, while the wife is at home with the baby. During this trip, the baby is admitted to the hospital for breathing issues. While the mom tries to urge her husband to come home to help her, he refuses. The thing that gets me in this story is the woman's update about his gaslighting. He doubles down on his decision, insults her, makes himself the victim, and tells her he's done with her.
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