"I’ve felt a void in my life ever since my cat passed so I adopted the saddest cat at the shelter"
"My mother adopted an adult cat"
"I rescued the tattooed cartel cat that was living in a Mexican prison"
"This is my baby, Kilo. In March 2023 I saw on the news and social media that a Sphynx cat had been found living inside of a Mexican prison. This is my understanding of his story: His owner was a leader in the Los Mexicles cartel… When I heard about him, I just knew I should at least try to adopt him…"
"I just adopted these 2 brother and sister kittens from the shelter, i already love them"
"The difference 5 months and love (aka food) makes"
"We adopted Pumpkin (6yr old male) 5 1/2 months ago from a cat rescue as a play pal for our other cat, whos sister d*ed earlier. When we got him, he was skin and bones, eyes and nose would be dirty all the time, severe case of FORL. After a few weeks of getting to know his new brother, parents and forever home, we treated FORL (extraction of all teeth except the four canini) and since then also his nose and eyes would clear up. First pic is the third day he was with us, second pic is exactly 5 months after picking him up. Love him so much, he is the sweetest"
"My cat's coat has darkened significantly since we adopted him a year ago."
"My fiancé and I bought our first house and adopted a cat. This is Grace’s first photo outside."
"When we adopted cat we didn’t expect she will became our third dog (they all love each other)"
"Adopted this dude a month ago and he won’t stop staring at me"
"I adopted 2 cats yesterday because I was lonely, and just woke up to this… This is amazing… I’m not alone anymore!"
"This is not the best picture of my sweeties, but this moment this morning touched my heart so much, I had to share regardless of the photo quality. I feel like they are telling me good morning !! I live all on my own, so this is a very nice change. My first night with them last night was honestly one of the funnest nights of my life. We played so much. I am now truly a cat person. I will love these two forever and ever, and I'll never forget how they came into my life when I needed them the most."
"I adopted a 16 yr old cat. She’d been at the shelter for 6 years!!!"
"Maybe some people say she is ugly, but for me she is perfect. Adopted that baby few hours ago"
"I adopted Pepè (right) and went back for his brother. No black cat will be left behind on my watch!"
"We adopted a kitten, didn’t realize he was a Norwegian forest cat."
"I was adopted."
"Recently adopted 5yr old cats fur has grown so fast!! Is this normal for long haired cats?"
"We got this 5year old fluffy monster for nearly 4 months ago now,, we've only ever had short haired cats before so find her fluff very cute, but it seems like her hair does not stop growing! Is this normal for long haired cats?"
"She got her picture in the calendar from the shelter I adopted her from"
"I adopted a void last week"
"The void was adopted to help Bob adjust to the loss of his brother Marley. Could not be working any better."
"Adopted My First Cat Today"
"Meet Anabell. She was at our local shelter and I took off work just go there and bring her home. I've never had a cat before and I am so excited for this journey with Anabell. She's a Seal Point Siamese"
"Husband went to pet store for dog food, adopted cat."
"Title is self explanatory. I had forgotten to get dog food on my way to work, so my husband went to pick it up when he got off. I got cat pictures of the kitties waiting for adoption. Cue the awww cause I love cats. This little lady kept pulling him towards her every time he got close. He called me and was like I know you've been wanting to add another cat to the family. He thought he was getting himself a cat, she hid until I got home. She came right to me and plopped down on the couch next to me. He said well, I guess I got you a cat. She is long and dainty with tiny paws and green eyes with a tiny raspy meow to match…"
"Recently adopted. Why is he doing this?"
"Just adopted this mostly blind beauty from a local rescue and had to show her off. This is Silverstone, my new best friend <3"
"9 years ago today we adopted Wallace. He still has the same constantly bewildered face he did when he was a kitten."
"This is the kitten I just adopted"
"I just adopted my first kitten"
"She's only 2 months old and she weighs 1.5 pounds. She's got such a loving personality. All she wants to do is cuddle or follow me around. She stays by my feet if I'm in the kitchen. Honestly, she adjusted insanely quickly. We bonded really quickly, like in a few hours…"
"Leonard was adopted!!"
"Just adopted today"
"I'm a martial arts teacher, and one of my 6 year old students told me his family was fostering a momma cat. He said he picked out one for me, so of course I couldn't say no. He said he picked "chocolate chip" (the kitten) for me because it's sweet like me (adorable)… Went to go meet them, the momma cat came right up to me and decided I was hers as well. Long story short I now have two cats I've already spent 400 on. I'm obsessed"
"First time adopting a cat, and I adopted sisters!"
"Fell in love with Pixie (cat in front) at a local pet store. Turns out, she had a sister! Ended up adopting both to keep them together. Any advice for a first time cat owner is greatly appreciated! FYI - Have an 11 year old dog who is amazing, a wife and 2 school aged kids. So, full household!"
"Adopted an elderly cat after I lost both my cats within four months."
"Adopted this one eared kitten that was found covered in bl**d along side the road after having his ear and drum ripped out. Welcome home Vincent (van Gogh). We call him Vinnie too."
"We adopted our first cat..."
"We adopted our first cat. She's 11 years old and her previous owner passed away, so she needed a new home. But she just hides in the corner and doesn't do anything. Does anyone know what we can do to help her? Her name's Lulu"
"Adopted this fine gentleman less than 2 months ago..."
"Just adopted this little dude. Can’t think of a name…wife likes 'Mango'"
"I adopted the least approachable cat..."
"I adopted the least approachable cat at the shelter. He was fearful, had been there for months, and was very aggressive toward people. After eight months of patience and nurturing, he's transformed into the sweetest, most loving lap cat."
"My adopted street cat before and after being neutered at age 13"
"Her owner passed and she was at the humane society for 2 months. My girlfriend made us adopt her. Before/after"
"Adopted the mean hissing swatting cat at the shelter a year ago. Here are progress pics."
"Almost 2 weeks ago I signed Moishe’s adoption papers, and he’s still smiling today! I think he is happy to be in his forever home"
"I adopted two 4 year old brothers yesterday. One of them p**ped in the toilet last night. Stress response or toilet trained?"
"1 year ago I adopted this nugget."
"Saw this grumpy lady at the shelter last week and decided to adopt her"
"Just adopted this deaf kitten days ago and she keeps meowing aloud(not sure what that meant). Anything that I should be cautious to ensure her safety and health?"
"I adopted 9-year-old Daisy after her owner moved into a nursing home"
"it's been 3 and a half weeks since I adopted Daisy, and I am so in love. my heart always hurts for the older kitties that end up in shelters. i'm so glad I could give Daisy a new home, and I wish I could tell her owner that her baby is safe and being taken care of"
"Adopted a cat who chose me. She was pregnant."
"Maisie found me in my driveway on March 4th and approached me for pets and love. She came inside a couple times to get out of rain, but was pretty insistent on being outside. I was getting ready to move so two weeks later when I went back to my old place I swiped her. After many tubes of Churu, Maisie is happily an indoor girl and also gave birth to three precious kittens. I'll get her spayed soon. I'm in awe of the cat distribution system sending me this sweet sweet girl."
"What a difference two years can make. She was so sick when I adopted her. One thing that hasn’t changed is her amazing personality."
"We went to get a kitten last night and couldn't decide on which little girl to adopt so we took both, they are sisters who get to spend their whole lives together. Meet Midnight and Ghostface"
"just adopted yesterday! he’s already so loved"
"I went to the shelter yesterday to look for a particular cat I saw online but when I got there she was already adopted. I adopted this 5 months old boy instead."
"Just adopted this guy"
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