This Karen got a shocking response to her outlandish claims when the business owner she was berating immediately fired an employee on the spot due to her complaint. Turns out, her sticks and stones were breaking bones in this workplace.
Karens complain about everything. If the world is not to their liking–aka bowing down at their feet and yielding to every whim–someone's going to get an angry phone call or a strongly worded email about it. I believe that Karens (and Kevins) act this way because they never have to pick up the pieces in their wake. Unaware of how their constant complaining and nagging affect the world around them, they continue onward throwing tantrums and just being a gross person to interact with out there in the real world.
So when this business owner crafted a clever plan on the spot to make a tyrannical Karen witness the consequences of her actions, his wife was immediately in on the prank. Keep scrolling for the petty payback that'll make this woman think twice about disrupting the peace.
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