Our sex lives can say a lot about us as a person, but I'm not sure what the hell any of these toys would tell you about someone's personality. Their existence simply begs the question "why".
However, I could see each of these little darlings fitting right in on the Island of Misfit Sex Toys.
Sure, at first you just think it's a bit of a lark, simply a novelty. That is until an orchestra of these little bastards finds its way on to YouTube. Then it becomes a craze.
The Dragon Dong
That's what a dragon's penis looks like. I've always wondered. Notice my wording, "wondered" not NEEDED TO BANG IT. It's a dragon, why would you think that would be a good idea? They are ancient magical creatures who "usually" are rather evil.
Side note: can't most dragons shape-shift? So how do we really know this is what it looks like.
NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. I don't need Stephen King's "IT" anywhere near my business.
The Dildo Maker
Oh great, now I can turn any sort of house hold vegetable into a dong with what looks like a Jetsons inspired pencil sharpener. Just what I've always wanted.
Though the penis carrot does make me wonder if Bugs Bunny would be into that.
The Foot WHAT?!
Ok, yeah, a foot fetish is pretty common (at least on the internet). So I could see someone making some silicone feet or whatever. But WHYYYYYYYYYYYY did you need to put a vagina in it? WHY?!
Adorable Japanese Vibrators
I never thought, "I'd really be into having sex with characters out of Wall-E." But out of everything else on this list, this seems the most reasonable. So, there's that, I guess.
The Obama-Do
I'm not sure who this is for, the republicans or the democrats. Also, why is it gold? How does that make sense?