29-year-old woman goes no-contact with her two-faced family after they celebrate Christmas for the 2nd year in a row without telling her: ‘I've been ignored by my family for my whole life and I'm tired of trying’

  • Cheezburger Image 10449867008
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  • AITA for ignoring my family after they excluded me from Christmas (again)?
  • For context, I (29F) have not been on great terms with my family for a long time. My mom has spent most of my life doing everything she can to tear me down, and as of now I haven't spoken to her in almost 3 years. I
  • have an okay relationship with my brother (32M) and I love my dad even though he enables my mom and never stands up for me bc he doesn't like to rock the boat. Until a few months ago I lived pretty close to my parents, but I
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  • recently moved across the country and I don't have any friends or family anywhere near my new home. I love holidays and celebrations, but no one else in my family does. When I was younger they used to make fun of me or get frustrated when I would try to be
  • festive around Christmas, and eventually I stopped trying. For the past decade my family hasn't done anything for any holiday, and I have become okay with that. However, my brother (who lives in a different state) got divorced a couple years ago and his ex took
  • their house, so my parents bought a duplex in his town so that he could live on one side with my 4yo niece, and they could live part time on the other. They still have their house in my hometown that they live in most
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  • of the year, but the last 2 years my parents have gone up to stay in their side of the duplex for the whole month of December, and they've celebrated Christmas with my brother and niece.
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  • Last year they didn't even tell me that they were going, I found out from my dad's FB. It hurt that they decided to celebrate Christmas all together and didn't even tell me, but I shook it off. This year though, they did it. again. My dad called me on
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  • Christmas Eve and told me how much fun they were having as a family, then asked me what I was doing for Christmas. I told him I was doing nothing, I don't know anyone in my new city and my family is all celebrating Christmas without me. He paused like he
  • didn't consider that, then quickly got off the phone. He later sent me a selfie of them all together saying "Merry Christmas from (brother's state)!" I didn't answer. Actually, I stopped answering at all. My dad and I usually talk 2-3 times/week to check in but he's
  • called me once and texted me twice and I haven't answered since Christmas Eve (7 days ago). I've also not been posting on my socials, and given that I'm not answering him or posting and I'm all alone in a city far away, he really doesn't know if I'm alive or
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  • de d. He texted me yesterday saying "please tell me if you're ok" and I haven't responded. I know it's petty but I'm really hurt that I wasn't even thought of for the family holiday. Even if I was invited I probably wouldn't have
  • gone just because I don't want to be around my mom, but being left out entirely really hurts, and having them rub my face in it with their selfie is even worse.
  • I've been ignored by my family for my whole life and I'm tired of trying. I don't know how to say this to my dad and I don't want to talk to him until I know what to say. AITA by maintaining my silence?
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  • Choice-Emphasis9048 NTA You made an effort to celebrate the holidays with them when you were younger, and it was rejected. And now that you have stopped trying, they go out if their way to celebrate with your brother and his daughter. So much so, they bought a property for your brother and them to use.
  • I probably would not respond to your dad's texts. You are not responsible for making him feel better after what just played out. If you do decide to respond. I would probably go with something along the lines of "No. need to try. I won't bother you all anymore" And leave it at that.
  • OkStrength5245 It is time to admit that your familial relationship will never mend. Go out, find people, do hobbies, see concerts and fairs. Build yourself a new family. Next year, publish the photos of your festivities with " your new family". Keep silent.
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  • No-Requirement-2420 NTA. They crushed your Christmas spirit your entire childhood and now that they found it themselves with a grandchild they just forget you exist. Get some therapy and look into your hobbies in your new area and make new friends.
  • Your feelings are valid and it's ok to think on them before voicing your hurt in words. Some times it's takes some people a little longer to sit with their feelings to voice why they are hurt properly.
  • Salt-Lavishness-7560 I'd throw myself into building my own family in your new city. Check out clubs. Do you have a hobby? Gyms. Volunteer. You don't have plans on Christmas- lend a hand at a shelter or a soup kitchen.
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  • You meet your people in many ways. Your dad? I don't think you owe him anything. At best, send a text that says "I'm fine but I don't want to talk to you right now. I'll be in contact when/if I'm ready." Get a therapist. Heal yourself. There is so much pain on what you wrote. Heal and go out there and live a wonderful life.


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