Employees get back at boss for years of workplace mistreatment by sabotaging company's chances to win a prestigious award: ‘They never really recovered after that’

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    "They had not expected such a defeat"
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    "My former employer treated everyone like garbage, so myself and former employees cost them prestigious award"

    I worked for about 5 years for a company where by the end I was practically s the stress and the 'al from mistreatment. When I left, I was operating as a supervisor
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    without the pay for a shift I wasn't even on. To give you an idea of just how awful this company was, I gained nearly a $10hr pay increase by leaving and I had a fraction of the responsibility.
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    Everything was fine, until the C Nation attacked, and considering the industry I was now in, it was a given that I would receive a pink slip.
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    The following year that transpired was the most hectic, stressful and difficult periods of my life. To try and spare you any unnecessary details, what transpired was me having to fire one contract
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    agency for grossly padding my resume, only for this new contract agency to end up bait-and-switching me. Promising me administrative experience (the degree I was working on at the time) only
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    to turn me around and send me back to my former employer that I had so desperately wanted to leave in the past. Why? They had become their biggest client,
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    because they were a respiratory medical device company and business was obviously booming. Desperate for an income, I agreed and kept sending out resumes in the mean time. I
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    was only back for 4 weeks, but holy h the place was like a war zone run by the most masochistic idiots you ever met. Some of the sh…. the company was pulling trying to squeeze every last ounce of productivity was appalling.
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    They decided to try an old stick-and-carrot ploy whereby if you worked 20+ hours of overtime each week between Thanksgiving and New Year's, you could get a $2000 cash bonus. It probably goes
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    without saying, you had people so desperate for spare cash that people were literally risking their lives to get to work. We had no less than 2 winter storms that shut down the state in the 4 weeks I was
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    there. But the company found every loophole to exploit to keep from paying out these bonuses. They also lacked any semblance of compassion. I was on my way to work when
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    my car lunched its throwout bearing leaving me stranded. I called both the temp agency and my employer who immediately told me that if I didn't show it was my job. I was two hours late, and they complained to my temp
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    agency anyways because I refused to make up the lost time by staying and assisting the overnight crew. I left when I finally got hired by another medical device company full time, meaning I
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    could give the temp agency and my former employer the middle finger. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that I had made friends during my time there, much like POW'S commiserating over trauma,
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    and many still were working for the old company, and it was through them I, and so many more jilted comrades learned of The Contest. You see, the state this all took place in is small. Not the smallest, but close to it. So,
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    there is an independent business magazine for the state that holds a competition for Best Company to Work For in [State]. My former employer had actually won the award about a year before I exited stage left the first time around.
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    Cheezburger Image 10451493376
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    It'd been the requisite waiting time and said company could now reapply to try and reclaim their glory. All the na' ed little emperors running this company were so high in their ivory towers, falsely believed everything was coming up roses.
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    How this competition works, is the company is interviewed by the magazine, and a link to an online survey is sent out to be disseminated to the respective employees. Thus, when me and so many who had a
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    Discord group at the time learned of it through someone still within the employ of these bastards, they were more than willing to become a mole and when the surveys were sent out, the former employees received one as well.
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    It goes without saying, but we trashed this place in the survey. At the end you could leave a comment and so I regaled them with the ab sel faced my initial employment with the company, and how
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    when I was forced back, I left when my former boss insulted me in an email for having the audacity to leave in the first place all the while using my newly deceased mother to prop up her own sob story.
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    You may think it ends there. But it doesn't. That is not where the revenge comes in. Oh no. Imagine the shock when a message comes through the Discord group:
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    "Holy sh you guys! If you open the survey in an incognito browser, you can take it as many times as you want!" Me and my crew had gone from slingshots, to being gifted a cannon and we were not going to waste the opportunity.
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    We proceeded to send in negative surveys as often as we could, and our mole would forward us the HR updates, and when "90% participation" was reached, we halted our attack. And waited.
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    A week before the results would be announced, our mole informed us that bubbly was being stockpiled in the break room fridges. I had the forethought to monitor their LinkedIn and Facebook page.
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    Every other post was about the BCTWF award and how excited they were to achieve it, assured victory was in the bag. Then the announcement came and our mole excitedly texted us that management was is "silent bedlam". The bubbly
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    magically disappeared from the fridges, any social media post referring to the contest or magazine vanish, and NO ONE was allowed to talk about. They had obviously not expected such a pitiful defeat,
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    but the results from the survey was so troubling they came back to my former employer to go over the results. The company never really recovered from that point
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    onward and struggled to remain upright. Most recently they had to delist from the stock exchange and go back to subling the tnt of venture capitalists.


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