'Like an entire turkey or a whole cheesecake': Guy sandbags a stranger's diet tracking app after they rudely thwart a friendly reminder to correct their login info

  • Cheezburger Image 10452389120
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  • "Block me when I try to help? I'll make your app useless"

    I've got an old gmail address.... meaning it's just my name. No extra letters or numbers. This means I get emails intended for
  • someone who has the same name & just added their middle initial or a number to their email, but someone fumble-fingered it (sometimes the owner of the email itself). I always
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  • try to reach out to the person so they can correct the issue, or if needed, the company that's trying to contact them. I've gotten some pretty important
  • stuff: job interview info, wedding info, medical info, info about their kids. Several years ago, I got a minor one...a notification that someone used my
  • email to sign up for a food-tracking app to help with dieting. I figured out who it was & reached out to them on Facebook to let them know, so they could
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  • change their email address. Instead of responding or thanking me, they blocked me. Having taken the time to try to make things right, I
  • got [annoyed]. I logged into their account by clicking "forgot password"... which of course was sent to MY email. I logged in & reset their password.
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  • Surprisingly, this didn't affect their ability to also log in. (I assume they were using their phone vs me logging in thru the web on a desktop.) Every couple of weeks, I'd go in & select
  • a few days where they'd had a snack & entered it into their data. You know... a little something like an entire turkey, or a whole cheesecake. I'd always do it some random date in the past. No clue if they ever figured it out, but it made me laugh.
  • CatlessBoyMom I can just see it. "I just can't figure out why this dumb app keeps telling me I need to cut more calories. It's not like I'm eating an entire cheesecake without noticing!"
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  • opschief0299 So those revenge foods were (dons shades) ....... served cold.
  • kikazztknmz I use a daily food tracker, and I laughed hard out loud at this one because I know exactly how I would react of a random whole turkey or cheesecake popped up in my food log lol.
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  • Sad-Consideration103 Wow I'm losing weight on an 14000 calorie diet.
  • 1983Targa911 Apps like this often also track your weight, either through connected bathroom scale or manual entry. You should start making them gain a pound every week or so also.
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