'Two negatives make a positive:' Fans debate which anime battle proves that villain vs. villain fights are GOATED

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    Hero Vs Hero fights Villain Vs Villain Fights
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    OutrageousBrit Mahoraga vs Sukuna
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    creeper_freaker_36 And Jogo vs Sukuna, shorter but in my opinion just as good
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    Jogo vs. Sukuna from Chapter 114

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    The_Raven_Born Thus will forever be one of the best fights in abine history. The design, music, animation, and sheer level of stakes were God tier.
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    King_Reivaj I knew it was gonna be a JJK thing before looking at the comments
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    Extra-Sea2167 Doppio vs Risotto Nero
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    Pero_Bt "You're approaching me, that fact alone is enough for me to defeat you" I think that's what he said before he made him vomit razor blades
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    Ogankle The exact thing I came to write and I am SO glad everyone thought the same. Risotto looked like a bad ss, and thankfully as it turned out, had a broken as ability that took one of the most busted ones in the series up until that point to fight. I am very happy about everyone's approval
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    Maleficent_Falcon926 Phantom Troupe Vs Chimera Ants imp Feitan Vs Zazan Chrollo Vs Hisoka (but its manga)
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    Verystrangeperson Maybe it's 10 years from now, but one day we'll see it animated and it will be glorious
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    PunchOX That was one of my favorite manga reads ever. The pressure Hisoka was under was palpable
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    Raijin6_ It wasn't very long but I liked Grimmjow vs Ulquiorra scuffle
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    A-Nameless-Nerd On a similar note, I feel Ulquiorra vs Hollowfied Tensa Zangetsu, with Ichigo and Zangetsu's relationship at that point, would have also qualified. And oh boy was that impactful.
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    Zamrayz Peoples opinions have somewhat changed considering White was protecting Ichigo and by that extension, himself. He's basically just Venom but.. White. Before we knew what he was though, definitely considered evil or something lol
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    Horacio_Velvetine44 wrath vs original greed
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    Greed vs. Wrath

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    Ren575 God FMA:B was so good. Poor greed, though he got turned into Swiss cheese. His character arc was really good though
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    D--K--M Is Greed a villain?
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    Inuship Originally he was, he probably did quite a few heinous things for father before splitting off. Imo hes a redeemed villain
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    NoDragonfruit6125 It's short but technically speaking Frieza Vs Broly was satisfying to watch him get beat up for starting the whole mess.
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    MessageConfident7405 Yeah that was funny, he had to fight him for a whole hour, I also liked the detail in the novelization that said Broly had to block Freiza's attacks before attacking due to their strength which was a cool detail.
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    Key-Swordfish4025 Not to mention Frieza transforming into his golden form, only for it to make no difference whatsoever. GLORIOUS
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    Legitimate_Beat798 Aizen vs Yhwach in the future possibly (if it actually gets extended)
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    PiercingBlow_ Jogo v Sukuna
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    Unlikely-Tea5845 It was super one sided but it's still one of my favorite anime fights hard stop
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    Captain_Sosuke_Aizen One sided but Jogo got to show his stuff. Way more fun to watch that than he just gets chopped up instantly when the fight starts.
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    xaklx20 evil vs evil is always good stuff
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    Pleasant Tiger6304 Two negatives make a positive
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    Drakeskulled_Reaper Villains do usually have more interesting and varied abilities.
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    Divine_Entity_ They are also allowed to actually k ll eachother and usually it matters less who wins. In contrast with hero vs hero fights nobody is expected to de. And in Hero vs Villain fights the story typically requires the hero wins in the end. Basically with villain vs villain its much harder to predict who is going to win by nature of standard literature conventions.
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    RandomHeretic Marik vs Bakura in the Battle City arc of YuGiOh
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    tlotrfan3791 I'm going to say it because why not:
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    This moment in Avatar the Last Airbender was awesome, and it's technically a villain vs villain fight. A very important one because it has us rooting for Zuko, despite both of them wanting to capture the avatar, (Zhao at this point doesn't know the avatar is back, but he definitely suspects something is going on).
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    It's not the craziest fight in terms of spectacle or visuals, but it's a great moment. I'm adding it because I feel it counts (you can say it's not anime, whatever)
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    Enthusiastic Oppai Sasuke is an anti hero, but was acting very villainous during the fight with Danzo, so I'll count that
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    Apart_Idea 1710 Sasuke vs Orochimaru is a good one And I think Sasuke vs Itachi counts (though I know hes a hero in retrospect, Itachi)
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    zms1234 Don't forget Sasuke vs Deidara. Ending of the fight aside, it's one of the top tier villain vs villain fights
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    SKTwenty Villains fighting villains is dope cause they don't give af about the surroundings or civilians. They're collateral, and them baddies are going all out. They're going for the throat. Heroes just don't do that unfortunately... virtue and allathat
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    LegendaryYooper Hero vs Hero is about ideologies Villain vs villain? Oh no, this is about something VERY different, and someone's gonna de
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