The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
So, my husband is French. When we met, I didn't speak a lick of his native language (per my earlier comment about Americans being notorious single-linguals), but eventually learned that we could have ‘secret’ conversations with each other in French if I put my nose to the Duolingo grinding stone a little more often. Alas, after 8 years, I'd say I'm fairly fluent–in a survivable sense–and this particular story about the bilingual woman calling out the guys dissing her really strikes me.
Because quite frankly, you never know who's listening in on a conversation and you can never assume someone's language skills or you might be finding yourself shoving your foot in your mouth in shame… Like the Frenchmen in this next story.
"He made a rude comment in French in front of me, thinking I couldn’t understand… but I did."
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
And with that, folks, I guess what we can glean from this tale of two languages is that you should never underestimate the people around you. You never know who's got an ace up their sleeve in the form of a perfect, unadulterated accent in your native language.
Bonne soirée!
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