We all want to move up in our line of work, it is only natural. We don't want to be stuck in the same position for our entire lives, and we want to feel like we are moving forward with our professional aspirations. Granted, it doesn't have to be an actual promotion, as we all measure our development in different ways, but the important thing is that we feel satisfied and content with where we are at any given moment.
That being said, moving up in our careers cannot happen without proving ourselves, especially if we have bosses looking at our every move. Being a leader, a team player, and showing determination and the ability to think outside the box are just a handful of examples of what we need to do to prove that we are worthy of a promotion or another step up the company ladder.
The sad reality is, that not everyone can prove themselves that way, and maybe are unable to take that step toward the direction they are aiming for. Does that still mean they should fight for an opportunity at any cost? The story down below might prove that there are some lines one should not cross, no matter how badly they think they deserve to move up.
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The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
Stepping on coworkers' toes in order to move up is a method many employees try to take, but it is not recommended. Mostly because once you try to ‘sabotage’ other employees for your own benefit, it usually does not play in your favor. As mentioned above, being a team player is one of the most important things employees should do to prove their worth. If they are doing the exact opposite, they might not be ready for a step up at all, much like the coworker here.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
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