‘They captured my cat and released him with a hernia’: Cat lover takes in a semi-feral stray, only to uncover shocking twists in his journey to a new life

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    "My semi-feral boy, Beefcake's story"

    This cat came to me in October. He was very talkative and affectionate, but I didn't want him to stick around. Well, he stuck around. A lot. I don't like cats outside, I wasn't necessarily looking for one either. I fed him and gave him water, anyways. He basically inhaled both. Which we all know cats don't even always drink a lot of water. I
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    only call him semi-feral cause he can still get temperamental. He's very sweet though. Anyways, I had to keep him outside for about a month, before I could take him to the vet. Our house has two dogs and two other cats, so he can't have anything he'd pass on. He checked out and instantly fit in.
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    The crazy things that happened though. One day he didn't come to our house. The next, he has his ear clipped. I planned on getting him fixed, anyways. That's not the only crazy thing though. When I saw him outside I could tell there was something wrong with his stomach, and he wouldn't let you touch it. When I took him to the vet, they said it was a hernia.
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    Therefore they captured my cat, fixed him, and released him with a golf ball sized hernia. I got him into surgery and he's been recovered, but this is something I tell everyone cause even my vet and I were shocked... but he's microchipped to me now. His name is Beefcake. Long story... he's definitely a
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    Beefcake now though, bumming along with the dogs, even worse than the other cats. Won't be outside again however I will get him a harness to see if he'd like walking
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