Pop Culture

Which Last Man on Earth Friend are You?

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    Gary - The Everyman

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    A jack of all trades, but a master of being average.
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    Jimmy - The Jock

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    Jimmy has more jerseys than there are sports teams and the season tickets to match.
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    Greg - The Odd Duck

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    Greg has a specific way of seeing the world. That way is often upside down translated into a language he invented.
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    Kevin - The Loveable Screw-Up

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    He can't help but try and fail. You can't help but be charmed.
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    Anton - The Party Animal

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    If Andrew W.K. were a golf ball, he would be Anton.
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    Trevor - The Shy One

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    He's not uninterested, he just takes some time to get comfortable.
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    Terrence - The Gym Rat

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    Terrence let's you know where he is on reps/shakes/AMRAP/burpees/metacons/asanas whether you ask him or not.
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    Tran - The Artist

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    Constantly splattered in paint, you've never seen Tran actually paint... or stop staring at clouds.
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    Darby - The Hypochondriac

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    Darby doesn't socialize much. He's got a constant thing in his throat.
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    Bryce - The Stoner

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    Bryce is holding. You wanna?
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    Marshall - The Fashionista

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    His haircuts cost more than your phone bill. His shirt budget is more than your rent. He also has a retail job.
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    Peter - The Sycophant

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    "Stop asking if you can help me move, Peter. We know you have a truck."
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    Thomas & Max - The Inseparable

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    These bosom buddies share everything. Which is fine because most other people don't want none.
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    Dashel - The Karaoke Superstar

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    From Bowie to Beastie Boys, Dashel keeps the karaoke crowd on their feet.
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    Diego - The Inscrutable

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    Who knows what Diego is thinking? The only thing you can know is that you'll never stop wondering.
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    Clementine - The Chameleon

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    She can talk to anyone about anything and put everyone at ease. Pretty impressive for an inanimate object.
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    Jerry - The Model

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    Where does he get the will power to look so good?
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    You can't really pick wrong, because you're guaranteed a great friend

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    So which one are you?

    Let us know in the comments!


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