Sexy Pet Names for Your Covid-Positive Bae-ohazard

Whether you're scrolling through tinder while quarantined or staying six-feet apart from your loved one, it's no excuse to let the romance die. TikTok user Oboebabe recently posted a video gifting lovers with Covid-pun dirty talk (appropriately paired with gangster Spongebob photos—obviously) to keep the contaminated bedroom spicy. 

She gives us sweet-talking little pet names like, mommy's little variant, my quarantine queen, Delta daddy, and my little biohazard. TikTok viewers loved it so much that they started to add their own creative covid-themed sexy names. Finding new ways to get hot and heavy during a pandemic may be the new norm, but can't be the first time humanity has gone through something like this. Influenza from 1918 must've had people getting creative in the bedroom, especially since it was pre-sexual revolution. Can you even imagine some of those flu-inspired pet names? "You rootin' tootin' sexy flu-zy." Who knows? So get creative while you're locked away, but if you're having trouble you can always whisper some of these sweet nothings into your Covid cutie's ear and keep the romance alive. 



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