Openly gay news anchor Blaine Stewart rocked Twitter with some serious innuendo while covering the impending Northeast winter 'bomb cyclone.' The Norfolk-Virginia Beach reporter wrote 'UPDATE: Get ready for a pounding. Some of us could see 8 inches or more. That's too much — even for me.'
The tweet has since been deleted, but this isn't the first time Stewart has made sexual jokes about the weather. Just over a year ago he made a reference to gay dating site Grindr while covering the threat of an even higher snowfall. "THESE ARE NOT @GRINDR INCHES. THESE ARE ACTUAL INCHES!"
We're not sure what prompted to Stewart to delete the saucy tweet, but we're still reveling in the humor - and we're not alone. He's being applauded across Twitter and many LGBT websites.
While we are enjoying the tweet and the responses, we have to remind you that this winter weather is no joke. 11 people have already died from the brutal Northeast cold, so bundle up and stay safe if the storm is headed your way!