Lolcats Newsletter

Featured Fur Monster: Gut Z is One Gutsy Kitty

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    A brave little dude is rescued

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    I had been doing rescue work for three years when I met Gut Z. I already had two rescue cats, and I had no plans to take another one home.

    The people who brought him in said that they had found him crying in an alley and wanted to make sure that he would be okay. The veterinarian that my two cats see was in that day and told the people that she would take care of him. Even though he had a life-threatening injury, the kitten was head-butting everyone at the animal hospital, seeking out love and attention. He had emergency surgery (and a neuter) that same day and arrangements were made for him to be admitted to Harmony House. Because of his amazing little spirit, the animal hospital staff decided to call him "gutsy" but give him the unique spelling, Gut Z.
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    More like cone of pride!

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    I met Gut Z the next day at Harmony House. A part of me suspected that I would end up taking him home. Later that week, Gut Z developed another hernia that required a second surgery. He faced that one bravely as well, and was eventually ready to rid himself of the cone of shame.
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    Getting on with the business of being a kitten

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    After a couple of weeks, Gut Z was dying to bounce out of the cage he was in and get on with the business of being a kitten. He was able to move into Harmony House's kitten room as soon as he was cleared by the veterinarian to be off of cage rest.
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    Take me home!

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    He flourished in Harmony House's kitten room, quickly making kitten and human friends. Everyone commented on his winning personality. I hadn't caved in and taken him home yet, but I was about to.
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    An impending foster fail

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    In August, six weeks after his rescue, I took Gut Z home. Although he initially came as a foster cat due to some residual health effects from his injuries, I was fairly certain he was going to be a foster fail. After all, GutZ was flourishing in my home.

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    Welcome home Gut Z

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    In October of that year, I signed adoption paperwork, making what I already knew to be true official: Gut Z was home. He has continued to do well. He even tolerates silly costumes.

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    A constant source of joy

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    Gut Z turned three years old last week. He is a constant source of joy and he has fit into my home well. I am so grateful to his veterinarian and to Harmony House for saving his life and getting him to me.

    What a gutsy little hero. Thanks for sharing Mary!

    If you enjoyed this feature and want to submit a story of your own, head to this blog post. Also, be sure to check out the other FFM posts here!


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